Dátum: 2023. október 14.
Esemény neve: Rockville Quads
Helyszín: Bender Jewish Community Center
Helyszín címe: 6125 Montrose RD, Rockville, MD 20852 USA
Szervező: Magnus Chess Academy
Weboldal: chessacademy.com
This is a US Chess rated quads style chess tournament. Each player is placed in a group of 4 players according to their age and rating. Each participant then plays one game against each of the other three players in their group. At the end of the third game, the winner of each group receives a trophy.
For new players and players rated under 1000, quads typically finish in about 60-90 minutes. For players rated over 1000, quads typically take 90-120 minutes. Quads can take as long as 3 hours, although that is rare.
Games are 25 minutes with a 5 second delay for each player, for players using clocks.
Players can play in quads in the morning at 10am, the afternoon at 1pm, or both!
#ASakkOsszekotMinket #MagnusChessAcademy #Rockville #USA